Real Estate: Sense of Walk

Greetings from Walkspan

A data-driven and location intelligence technology firm dedicated to the experience of walking.

What do we offer to the Real Estate community?

Sense of Walk is the real estate arm of Walkspan™.

Through our API, buyers, sellers, investors, and developers gain immediate access to walkability data.

Why us?

Our interface can seamlessly connect to your mapping system to display and score the quality of sidewalks at block, quarter mile and neighborhood scales. 

Click on the image below to see how it works

Unlike Walkscore, where walkability centers around access to amenities, Sense of Walk displays sidewalk qualities such as natural and manmade beauty, amenities, comfort, access, interest and safety at block, quarter mile and neighborhood scales.

-Our current prototype serves the Manhattan borough-

Shown below are Manhattan's walkability profiles 

Contact us for a free trial to add to your search engine

Looking forward to working with you
-Bernardita Calinao, PhD
Founder and CEO


Beyond Safety: Regulating the Dimensions of Walkability


Happy 2019!