
Finding a hotel in a great neighborhood is always a challenge.  Imagine if this concern were to vanish with the use of data and location intelligence?

At Walkspan, we dedicate ourselves to capturing the neighborhood feel and finding those neighborhood gems to complement the hotel of your choice.

Neighborhood Feel and Neighborhood Gems

Walkspan identifies and rates walkability features to include natural and manmade beauty, utility, safety, comfort, access, vibrance, interest, architecture and social equity.





Natural Beauty




Walkspan’s platform is a place-based interface, reporting, and recommendation system for tourists and digital nomads. The fear of finding oneself in the wrong neighborhood is real.  It can make or break the joy of travel. The platform presents walkability and the availability of lifestyle essentials within a 5-10-20 minute circle from any hotel or co-living situation.

location intelligence  new york city

Digital Nomads

Digital nomads are constantly in search of the next place where they can work hard and play hard. Comparing destination neighborhoods anywhere in the world through a simple interface can ease decision fatigue.

location intelligence  new york city


Walking is an important part of the travel experience. Tourist seeks hotels near points of interest, shops, and restaurants.  Yet, they often find themselves lost and missing the best parts of town. Walkspan’s neighborhood intelligence platform opens new discoveries and exciting experiences.